Observatory for the fight against corruption and economic embezzlement (OLUCOME) was founded in 2002 to help address some of the issues in Burundi, the experience gained through these challenges has led to a transformation as the non-profit organization restructure its operations and mission in the fight against the scourge of corruption and economic malversation to other African countries.
We conduct studies, surveys, and research to understand the dynamics of corruption within the informal sector.
Advocating for policy changes and reforms at local, national, or international levels to address loopholes that allow corruption to thrive in the informal sector.
Providing capacity-building programs for individuals, businesses, and government agencies operating within the identified sector. This can include training on ethical practices, governance, and transparency.
The informal sector in Africa continues to play a prominent role in poverty mitigation, employment generation, creation of a stimulating effect on the formal economy, and acting as the ‘last resort’ during periods of economic recession and financial crisis.
Explore our visual journey showcasing impactful moments in our fight against corruption and economic malversation in Africa.
Connect with Olucome to join the cause or ask about our initiatives. Together, let's build a transparent and accountable future.
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